Understand and Optimize
Shopper Engagement

Measure Stopping Power and
Expose Loss Revenue.

Our technology helps retailers like you answer
the questions that affect your bottom line:

Are people engaging with my product displays?
Do those product engagements lead to sales?
How do I use those engagement insights to optimize my shopper experience for better profits?

You can only improve
what you Measure!

When it comes to in-store shopper engagement, you want to know your product displays
 are stopping people in their tracks – and actually leading to sales.

How do inReality's Technology Applications help
my retail business?

Enabling the move from Gut-feel to Data Driven
decision making

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"This changes everything!"
"Amazing - all my footfall data on one platform"
"Finally, a way to get in-store behavioral metrics at scale!"

Brands Who Have Benefited From inReality's Technology

Why inReality’s Engagement Tracker?


Our industry-leading technology supplies the crucial insights for understanding and optimizing in-store product engagement. Our sensors and software are easy to install and everything syncs seamlessly within our secure cloud platform.


inReality retail technology does not rely on any technology associated with consumer privacy risk – like cameras or phone data. By using our radar-based products, your patrons’ privacy is always protected and any associated legal risk is removed.


As opposed to the stereoscopic cameras our competitors use, inReality products are 100% radar-based. Because our materials cost less to produce (yet are equally effective), we are able to pass along those cost savings to our retail partners.

inReality's Retail Analytics platform simplifies measuring
traffic and engagement at key points of decision.